COVID created a lost generation – English and Spanish article published by Future For Work Institute
Our latest research on the effects of COVID-19 is published in Spanish by the Future For Work Institute: "Investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Innovisor muestran que la pandemia ha creado una «generación perdida» similar dentro de las empresas de todo el mundo"
Unmuted – Book describes the Three Percent Rule
Unmuted - written by Heather Hansen - describes among other things the work of Innovisor. From the #ThreePercentRule to one of its work done for a financial company in Silicon Valley
Accelerating change through Informal Networks
Accelerate change through Informal Networks June 21, 2022 "Informal Networks are often described as the organization behind the chart. However, they are in fact complex interconnections [...]
3 killer discoveries of 2021 with CEO of Innovisor
This article outlines the three discoveries of 2021 by Innovisor - which were part of a 30-minute webinar hosted by the CEO of Innovisor for its community. Read or listen to what all leaders must be aware of and handle as the pandemic endures.
Future of Work: The next tsunami hitting corporations…
June 17, 2021 ''Vaccinations are being rolled out, and COVID infection numbers are dropping. Economists predict high economic growth with the only potential risk being a lack of [...]
Interview Hilton Barbour, Kognitiv & Hemerson Paes, Roche – Building a Culture of Self-Organizing Teams at Pharmaceutical Giant Roche
March 20, 2021 "What has been fascinating to watch is to see how the learning and unlearning happens inside an organization, a team, a region. We’ve been very [...]
Agile Change Playbook
February 08, 2021 "Another way to understand the Social Architecture is to apply Organizational Network Analysis (ONA). One vendor, Innovisor, carried years of analysis to uncover some interesting [...]
Understand Your Informal Organization
Understand Your Informal Organization . Find the slides from the presentation here. October 20, 2020 "People do not follow the organizational structures, they go their [...]
#TimTalk – How Organisational Networks Impact on Digital Transformation with Jeppe Hansgaard
September 7, 2020 Our CEO Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard was invited to #TimTalk by Timothy Hughes. The topic of this discussion was the impact of Organizational Networks on [...]
Interview about the Future in HRTech Industry with HRTechCube
August 11, 2020 "I believe the future will be less about technology tools, and more about using Data, Algorithms, and Machine Learning to facilitate the right decisions." Our [...]
‘Hvem bestemmer i morgen?’: Når man ikke gider have en leder
July 2, 2020 Who decides tomorrow?: When you do not want to have a leader Should the leader of the future make the "seating plan"? Or "just" provide [...]
Teal Dots in an Orange World: How to organize the workplace of the future
June 29, 2020 Innovisor has been mentioned in a book written by Erik Korsvik Østergaard. "Drawing on the workings of Frederic Laloux and his 2014 title Reinventing Organizations, [...]
Why you need to start planning for work post-COVID-19 now
June 24, 2020 "Returning to work once the COVID-19 crisis eases will be directed by organizational leaders but truly led by emotional leaders. People with high EQ are [...]
Create a productive environment for remote work
June 15, 2020 Why is creating the right environment for productivity important for the future of work? How can you measure productivity, and what are the most important [...]
Leading Through COV-19 Crisis
Go back to Resources > Videos Leading Through COV-19 Crisis Our CEO Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard had been asked to be a guest speaker [...]
How to stay connected as a team while disconnected during the Corona-virus
Go back to Resources > Videos How to stay connected as a team/organization while disconnected during the Corona-virus Watch a presentation for Together [...]
Knowledge Production – www.ידע.com Blog
This blog is prepared by Dr Pinchas Yehezkeli. He translates some of our popular articles in Hebrew and shares this with his students in the various courses of complexity [...]
AIHR – HR Analytics Blog
AnalyticsinHR is a blog with a community of 1.000.000+ HR professionals. They all have subscribed to the latest news, articles, and trends related to People and HR Analytics. We [...]
Unveiling the hidden side of organizations
Go back to Resources > Videos November 29, 2019 The Future For Work Institute (FFWi) is a community of companies that keeps the members [...]
Ignoring the social structures of your organization comes at a price
November 5, 2019 Organizations are wasting fortunes by ignoring their social structures. We explain to you the business case, and four steps companies need to follow to harvest [...]