Case Study – Successful Change with Organizational Network Analysis
The company had a poor track record of implementing changes in the last few years. Top-down approaches to change had failed.
Inclusion has a significant impact on the bottom-line, but only if you walk the talk
Inclusion Has a Significant Impact on the Bottom-Line, But Only If You Walk the Talk It is no longer a novel claim that successful management of diversity and inclusion is correlated [...]
Understand Your Informal Organization
Understand Your Informal Organization . Find the slides from the presentation here. October 20, 2020 "People do not follow the organizational structures, they go their [...]
Who is to Blame for the Disconnect Between Employees and Executives?
Who is to Blame for the Disconnect Between Employees and Executives? No matter who you ask, people nod when talk concerns how little executives know about [...]
First, the Leadership Team Must Bust Its Own Silos…
Leaders must bust their own silos first before any organizational or technology initiative can succeed. This article highlights the four steps how to do this
The Scale-Up that ALMOST Failed
Less than 5% of organizations succeed in scaling above the normal start-up size. This organization was among the 5%, but this scale-up almost failed
The Revival of the Team Manager?
Article by Jeppe V. Hansgaard Connect directly with Jeppe via one of his social platforms or leave us a message: Related blog posts [...]
When the organization is melting – add more glue!
When the Organization is Melting - Add More Glue! This article is co-authored with Jesper Bubandt Toft. At the end of the day, Jeppe could not [...]
What Chess Tell Us About the Future of Work
What Chess Tells Us About the Future of Work Imagine you compared the performance of professional chess players in an online setting with their performance [...]
Client Stories – Monica Masetti, HR Director at Chiesi Spain
Monica Masetti, HR Director at Chiesi Spain Learn how Chiesi benefitted from their work with Innovisor by watching the videos below: 0m51s - What was the business challenge? 1m041s [...]
#TimTalk – How Organisational Networks Impact on Digital Transformation with Jeppe Hansgaard
September 7, 2020 Our CEO Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard was invited to #TimTalk by Timothy Hughes. The topic of this discussion was the impact of Organizational Networks on [...]
Don’t Panic – Huddle!
August 26, 2020 "Leaders all around the globe have frozen, staring into the headlights of the pandemic. Not knowing how to act, as global uncertainty keeps rising no [...]
Interview about the Future in HRTech Industry with HRTechCube
August 11, 2020 "I believe the future will be less about technology tools, and more about using Data, Algorithms, and Machine Learning to facilitate the right decisions." Our [...]
Employee Engagement: From Tough Feedback to Targeted Action
How to strengthen employee engagement while navigating through major transformation? Read the journey of a European conglomerate. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT [...]
The Three Percent Rule – Your secret weapon for success with change
If you want to be successful with your change, it’s all about having a secret weapon: the three percent of your people. The right 3%.
‘Hvem bestemmer i morgen?’: Når man ikke gider have en leder
July 2, 2020 Who decides tomorrow?: When you do not want to have a leader Should the leader of the future make the "seating plan"? Or "just" provide [...]
The Watermelon Effect
Article by Jeppe V. Hansgaard Connect directly with Jeppe via one of his social platforms Related blog posts #ThreePercentRule [...]
Teal Dots in an Orange World: How to organize the workplace of the future
June 29, 2020 Innovisor has been mentioned in a book written by Erik Korsvik Østergaard. "Drawing on the workings of Frederic Laloux and his 2014 title Reinventing Organizations, [...]
Why you need to start planning for work post-COVID-19 now
June 24, 2020 "Returning to work once the COVID-19 crisis eases will be directed by organizational leaders but truly led by emotional leaders. People with high EQ are [...]
Create a productive environment for remote work
June 15, 2020 Why is creating the right environment for productivity important for the future of work? How can you measure productivity, and what are the most important [...]
Leading Large Scale Change: A Practical Guide by NHS England (ebook)
Go back to Resources > Books September 11, 2017 "Research by Innovisor across multiple organisations identified that typically 3% of employees are the ‘key [...]
Disrupting the Function of IC – A Global Perspective
Go back to Resources > Books June 29, 2017 "The internal communication profession faces turbulent times and the role of IC practitioners may well [...]
The Social Organization: How to develop employee connections and relationships for improved business performance
Go back to Resources > Books June 3, 2017 "Social Network Analysis (SNA) maps and measures the connections and relationships between people, both visually [...]
How to Rethink Change with the Three Percent Rule
How to Rethink Change with the Three Percent Rule Why organizational network analysis and people analytics are the ingredients for successful change initiatives You are responsible for making [...]
M&A Integration: Why People Are the Biggest Failure Reason!
M&A Integration: Why People Are The Biggest Failure Reason! When you join a new company, you quickly build new relations with your new close colleagues. [...]
Gatehouse – How influencer marketing helped PCCA hit a homerun with its culture
January 2, 2017 In the article, Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard of Innovisor and Lizzie Harbin from PCCA discuss how Innovisor helped PCCA to support their journey to sustain their [...]
Get your head out of your bottom line and build your brand on purpose
Go back to Resources > Books May 1, 2016 "We all know that the traditional cascasing communications model tends to fail as you get [...]
Interview with Jim Manskey – President of TBG Partners
Go back to Resources > Videos April 6, 2016 In this video, Robin Tooms from Savage Brands interviews Jim Manskey, president of TBG Partners. His [...]
Forandringer sker først, når de giver mening! March 15, 2016 This is an article written in Danish and published in Magasinet for Kvalitet. It talks about that behavioral change cannot only be realized [...]
Make the Most of Your Partners’ Potential – Foster a Culture to Support Senior-level Mentoring February, 2015 " ... to get detailed, objective data to undertake rigorous empirical research, we conducted a network survey of partners’ mentoring behaviors inside a prominent [...]
Houston Business Journal – 3 percent of employees can make or break any corporate change
May 14, 2014 "Did you know that a small percentage of employees has a large influence on the success or failure of any change initiative, regardless of the [...]
A series of tsunamis are underway: leaders must learn how to surf the waves July 19, 2013 "With few exceptions, the business models that organizations use to manage processes and people date from the industrial era. They were invented for [...]
Lean In: Women, work, and the Will to Lead
Go back to Resources > Books March 12, 2013 "Innovisor, a consulting firm, conducted research in twenty-nine countries and found that when men and [...]
At Work
June 6, 2012 "Here's at least one instance of parity among the sexes: Men and women are equally biased when it comes to choosing work partners, a new [...]
Identifying Company Influencers
May 22, 2012 "The surprise? This amazing tool [red. Innovisor] identified the most important influencers -- who were clearly not the five employees regarded as “critical change agents” [...]
Die Kunst, zwei Unternehmen zu vernetzen – Der Mehrwert der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in der Post Merger-Integration May 21, 2012 "Studies show that up to 70% of corporate mergers and acquisitions fail." This article - which was published in the German journal M&A [...]
Why spotting influencers is good business
January 6, 2012 "Finding out who talks to who and who can influence other people is an age-old marketing tool. Now, companies are finding a goldmine of valuable [...]
Orbicon blotlægger medarbejderes interne relationer
September 30, 2011 This article was published in Ingeniøren - a Danish Magazine for engineers - a describes the insights delivered to Orbicon. Orbicon is an engineering consultancy [...]