Back to Normal After the Storm?

Some events cannot be anticipated, after a pandemic, we can all agree on that. Yet, they can have an enormous impact on organizations. From a Network Perspective, it is important to remember that external changes will affect the internal informal network of any organization. Our client, a fast-growing technology company, was no exception. Within only a year, significant shifts in their environment altered the structure of their informal networks.

The results of their latest People Connectivity Accelerator revealed how their current connectivity and well-being compare to their previous results and the Innovisor Benchmark. The outcome did not surprise the project team. They were ready to take matters into their own hands and turn it all around.

Fragmentation and Centralized Leadership

The most outstanding changes were the increased fragmentation and the higher reliance on their leaders and centralization around them. The company got more fragmented; its agility fell 20% behind the Innovisor Benchmark whereas it used to be just on par with it. While facing a declining volume of collaboration, their focus also shifted toward their leaders, the average leader having over 2x as much connectivity as employees. From one year to the other, the structure of their organizational network and the position of the top managerial layers have changed. As seen in the illustration, the ones highest in the hierarchy used to be scattered around the network. Now they are sitting together in the middle.

The Question of Well-being

We took a deep dive into well-being and discovered that the ones in the center are the most satisfied with their working conditions and that well-being is highest among them. The lower we went down the hierarchal ladder, the more dissatisfaction we have come across. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance was one of the greatest pain points among employees and lower-level managers. 54% of them did not perceive their work-life balance to be healthy.

How to Bounce Back to Normal?

  • Promote decentralized decision-making and reduce over-reliance on your leadership. When in turmoil, it is natural to look towards your leaders. However, you must never underestimate or forget the value of the people within your organization.
  • See the full picture. Consider and promote well-being across all levels of your organization.
  • Re-store connectivity by connecting not only your leaders but individuals from all levels of the hierarchy.
  • Keep on tracking! The People Connectivity Accelerator allowed the project team to understand where they are and most importantly, how to move forward. With these insights, they are ready to get re-connected and promote well-being in the most acute areas.

Are you eager to understand the state of connectivity and well-being at your organization? Check out the People Connectivity Accelerator, Ready-to-Go solution.

Case written by

Lilla Tóth

Connect directly with Lilla via one of her social platforms

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