
3% of employees shape the opinions of 90% of their colleagues


3% of employees shape the opinions of 90% of their colleagues

In 2015, Innovisor solved a Gordian knot, in the mathematical world: how to identify the smallest group of people in a network that will have the maximum impact. This resulted in the development of an algorithm, that initially required the same computing power as the one of NASA to run. 

After running the algorithm hundreds of times, Innovisor realized that the group always had a size of about 3%. Sometimes 2.9% – sometimes 3.1%… But always around 3%.

This resulted in the name #ThreePercentRule which has been the talk of the town in the change management community since. 

The algorithm is, however, still a part of the secret sauce of an Innovisor project. No one has still been able to replicate it.

What is important to remember is that those 3% shape the perceptions of upwards of 90% of their colleagues, and making them support your change activities is pivotal if you want success. This is also evident in the #SixChangeBlockers.

#ThreePercentRule Algorithm to Succeed with Change

#ThreePercentRule Algorithm to Succeed with Change

In 2015, Innovisor solved a Gordian knot, in the mathematical world: how to identify the smallest group of people in a network that will have the maximum impact. This resulted in the development of an algorithm, that initially required the same computing power as the one of NASA to run. 

After running the algorithm hundreds of times, Innovisor realized that the group always had a size of about 3%. Sometimes 2.9% – sometimes 3.1%… But always around 3%.

This resulted in the name #ThreePercentRule which has been the talk of the town in the change management community since. 

The algorithm is, however, still a part of the secret sauce of an Innovisor project. No one has still been able to replicate it.

What is important to remember is that those 3% shape the perceptions of upwards of 90% of their colleagues, and making them support your change activities is pivotal if you want success. This is also evident in the #SixChangeBlockers.

Conversations about Innovisor’s #ThreePercentRule

Read About the #ThreePercentRule




Read About the #ThreePercentRule

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#ThreePercentRule Cases and Articles

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The #ThreePercentRule Is Integrated Into Our Solutions

The #SixChangeBlockers and #ThreePercentRule are integrated into all our solutions – no matter if it is our Co-Created Solutions or one of our Ready-To-Go Solutions.


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The #ThreePercentRule Is Integrated Into Our Solutions

The #SixChangeBlockers and #ThreePercentRule are integrated into all our solutions – no matter if it is our Co-Created Solutions or one of our Ready-To-Go Solutions.


measurement tape illustration

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