The Fastest Way to Maximize Your Ripple Effect!
The key to a successful change project is a bottom-up and people-first approach. That’s why an executive of a 3500-person company reached out to us.
The executive made a bold decision. She left the outdated top-down approach behind and was ready to embrace a more inclusive, bottom-up form of change. This case study shows how the executive succeeded with insights from our Change Accelerator solution and paved the way for future, people-centered change projects.
What are the potential Change Blockers?
We first identified which #SixChangeBlockers the company must focus on, before proceeding with change.
The Innovisor Benchmark Database encompasses 15+ years of insights from a wide range of industries, locations, and organizations. Based on these insights, we precisely evaluated the company’s robustness against the #SixChangeBlockers. We analyzed the company’s network performance, commitment score, and stakeholder support status and compared it to our benchmarks. Finally, we concluded that Change Blocker #2, Network Fragmentation, poses the greatest threat to future change.

The executive needed to combat Network Fragmentation and restore cohesiveness first, to ensure change success. Why? A cohesive informal network provides the highest ripple speed, which is essential for change to stick around. Before proceeding with any kind of change initiative, the executive needed to make sure that the ripple effect is active and ready to accelerate change.
Who to have on board?

The executive needed a group of people to be activated and engaged in the bottom-up change approach. We used the #ThreePercentRule algorithm to find the most suitable employees and identified their 3%!
This group informally influences the rest of the organization, across different locations, functions, tenures, and hierarchal levels. By having them on board, the executive can understand and impact the entire organization.
How to combat Network Fragmentation?
As always, the action recommendations were based on data-based insights and backed up by years of experience in accelerating change.
The executive received an actionable and crisp guide on how to improve Network Fragmentation and how to gear up for the upcoming change project within the company. The guide detailed their performance against the Innovisor Benchmark and the necessary actions that must be taken to improve their position.
Following these recommendations, the executive is set up for successful people-centered and bottom-up change!

Ready for change!
In just five days, the executive gained an understanding of the company’s performance against Change Blockers, their 3%, and the actions to be taken before launching her change project. She is ready to activate the power of the ripple effect and accelerate change!
Check out our Change Accelerator solution and let us help you drive successful change!