Do Less, Do Better & Do it With the People!
March 1st, 2024 | From our CEO

This morning, Ciara Lancaster – Reimagine Change® Speaker shared an article from Gartner advising CFO’s that Change Fatigue was real.
I responded: ‘The fatigue is a result of how the change is run. Top-down, de-focused & laissez-faire. It is the direct path to another change fiasco! Done BY the people AND done WITH the people BEATS done TO!’
Let me expand on this.
Enterprise-wide Change Double to 10 per 3 Years
In November, my good friend Hilton Barbour who had attended a Gartner conference in USA shared Gartner estimated enterprise-wide change programs to double in the next 3 years.
From 5 per 3 years to 10 per 3 years.
No wonder change fatigue is real!!!
Leaders would never launch so many change programs, if they had to get their own hands dirty as part of the change. So they hire consultants – especially to do the nitty gritty day in day out change implementation work…
But guess what? – The people see it.
They see leaders are not getting personally involved and not taking ownership.
So why should the people?
Change by Representation Does Not Work
In October, I had a conversation with another good friend Holger Rathgeber, co-author of ‘Our Iceberg is Melting’ and the follow-up ‘That is Not How We Do it Here’.
Here he stated: ‘Change by representation does not work.’
I agree!
If you need to bring in an army of implementation consultants to deliver your change including engaging with your people for you, then you are doing it wrong.
The data we have collected in Innovisor for the Six Change Blockers is VERY CLEAR on this.
Change by representation does not work!
What Works for Change?
So, what works? It is actually pretty simple.
- Do Less!
- Do it Better!
- Do it With the People!
Do Less, Do Better & Do it With the People!
March 1st, 2024 | From our CEO

This morning, Ciara Lancaster – Reimagine Change® Speaker shared an article from Gartner advising CFO’s that Change Fatigue was real.
I responded: ‘The fatigue is a result of how the change is run. Top-down, de-focused & laissez-faire. It is the direct path to another change fiasco! Done BY the people AND done WITH the people BEATS done TO!’
Let me expand on this.
Enterprise-wide Change Double to 10 per 3 Years
In November, my good friend Hilton Barbour who had attended a Gartner conference in USA shared Gartner estimated enterprise-wide change programs to double in the next 3 years.
From 5 per 3 years to 10 per 3 years.
No wonder change fatigue is real!!!
Leaders would never launch so many change programs, if they had to get their own hands dirty as part of the change. So they hire consultants – especially to do the nitty gritty day in day out change implementation work…
But guess what? – The people see it.
They see leaders are not getting personally involved and not taking ownership.
So why should the people?
Change by Representation Does Not Work
In October, I had a conversation with another good friend Holger Rathgeber, co-author of ‘Our Iceberg is Melting’ and the follow-up ‘That is Not How We Do it Here’.
Here he stated: ‘Change by representation does not work.’
I agree!
If you need to bring in an army of implementation consultants to deliver your change including engaging with your people for you, then you are doing it wrong.
The data we have collected in Innovisor for the Six Change Blockers is VERY CLEAR on this.
Change by representation does not work!
What Works for Change?
So, what works? It is actually pretty simple.
- Do Less!
- Do it Better!
- Do it With the People!
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