The Invisible Impact of COVID:
Collaboration Dropped by 30%
The benchmark data on collaboration before and during COVID-19 did not only reveal that the integration of newcomers doubled in time. The same data revealed something different too. It revealed that collaboration got weaker.
Evidence showed that collaboration dropped by an unbelievable 30%! This significant drop made me think: do we really understand the implication of how we work during COVID-19?
I, therefore, created a poll on both LinkedIn and Twitter. In this poll, I asked:
How Has Collaboration Developed During COVID-19?
The responses on Twitter were the same: it got worse. The responses on LinkedIn were however quite different. There was a fair chunk of people who felt collaboration got better. But our benchmark data show us something different.

COVID-19 Has Resulted In Weaker Collaborative Relationships
The blue line shows how collaborative relationships during COVID19 increased the longer the people were with a company. Remarkably is that this blue line stays below the black line – which represents the collaborative relationships – on average – before COVID-19. Data show that collaboration got worse! It dropped with 30%
This visual is part of the first part of the article that reveals that onboarding doubled in time during COVID. Click here to read the article

What’s Next?
Collaboration is the engine for companies to survive in the ever-changing environment. The collaboration between doctors, researchers, engineers, and scientists from all fields of knowledge is a good example of how instrumental collaboration has been to confront the coronavirus outbreak.
Companies should therefore keep a focus on collaboration while people work from home. This new way of working for many of us cannot only be left to the individual. It requires an organizational initiative. Of course, there will always be individuals who feel collaboration got better, but make sure the rest of the organization is not left out.
Do you want to go back to the first article and find out what the other insight is on collaboration when comparing life before and during COVID-19? Click here to read The Invisible Impact of COVID (Part 1)
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