CHRO Leads Proven Transformation Strategy for 6,000-employee Energy Company

A global energy company had a large-scale transformation ahead. The goal was to shift from a traditional hierarchal structure to a matrix organization. The CEO envisioned this transformation as a solution to two critical challenges:

  1. To increase organizational flexibility and agility
  2. To improve the utilization of resources across the company

The CHRO was tasked with implementing the matrix structure by transforming one of the company’s country affiliates, comprising 600 employees.

The objective was clear: if the CHRO could demonstrate measurable success within 12 months, the blueprint would be scaled across the entire organization of 6,000 employees.


The CHRO successfully created, measured, and evaluated the matrix transformation, proving its impact.

The CHRO knew it was not enough to reshuffle departments and re-assign responsibilities. The transformation strategy needed to have all employees at all levels involved re-think “how things are done around here”, shift away from top-down hierarchies, and embrace collaboration.

Innovisor was trusted to be the CHRO’s wingman in this transformation and laid the foundation of the transformation strategy with the power of the #SixChangeBlockers.

Change Success in 3 steps with the #SixChangeBlockers

six change blockers

The CHRO not only needed to ensure change success but also had to document success factors and lessons to create a blueprint for the rest of the organization.

We came up with the following plan: First, he needed to ensure change readiness and establish a baseline. When ready, he had to launch his change. Finally, he needed to measure the change impact and document outcomes.

  1. Ensure change readiness: Baseline collaboration networks and get ready for change

To determine whether the company was ready for a large-scale change initiative, Innovisor assessed its Network Fragmentation.

Having a cohesive network is necessary for change. Cohesion ensures high Ripple Speed, the speed by which highly specialized knowledge travels within the organization. The numbers were promising, the company was 24% more cohesive than the Innovisor Benchmark. They were ready for change!

  1. Change: Launch the change towards a matrix organization

Informed by our baseline, the CHRO knew he had to focus on two potential Change Blockers during change.

First, the CHRO needed to ensure Leadership Cohesion and boost collaboration among leaders. Second, The CHRO had to focus on closing the gap and addressing Network Fragmentation between the country’s two locations.

  1. Learn: Measure and document changes and lessons

After 12 months, the CHRO was excited to see how the change affected the company. By comparing the affiliate’s informal networks before and after the restructuring, he was able to share impressive results with the CEO:

  • The company became better at utilizing resources. Their improved cohesiveness and strengthened informal networks allowed them to connect more, share knowledge faster, and bring their two locations closer. All while welcoming new talent and growing their workforce. Now they were beating the Innovisor Benchmark by 31%!
  • The Leadership Network improved how they connect and collaborate and increased their cohesion by 10%. Thisallowed them to reach new levels of agility and flexibility not only within leadership but also across the whole affiliate organization.

The CHRO was set up for success in just 12 months!

  • By comparing the informal networks before and after the re-structuring:

    • The CHRO provided data-driven proof of progress in this transformation initiative
    • The CHRO kept identifying the areas of collaboration that still needed improvement
    • The CHRO developed a clear blueprint for organizational transformation

    You too can achieve this level of success in as little as 12 months!

    Embrace data-driven change and overcome the #SixChangeBlockers.

    Get our Change Accelerator solution today to fast-track your organization’s transformation!

Case written by

Lilla Tóth

Connect directly with Lilla via one of her social platforms

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